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Hemp Oil CBD full spectrum 15%  0 %...
Hemp Oil CBD full spectrum 15%  0 %...
Hemp Oil CBD full spectrum 15%  0 %...
Hemp Oil CBD full spectrum 15%  0 %...

Hemp Oil CBD full spectrum 15% 0 % THC FreeU Calm

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Awaken your potential with natural! Hemp Oil full spectrum 15% - 0% THC FreeU Calm

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Goodbye to menstrual pain.

Menstrual Pain Relief Oil 0% THC A natural and effective solution to combat the discomfort associated with the menstrual cycle. Extracted directly from the hemp plant.

How is it used? Twice daily, place two or three drops under the tongue, wait 30 seconds and swallow. These are informative guidelines, but this is a natural product, and every body is different, so you have to find your ideal dose, start with a low dose and increase drop by drop until you find your dose needed at all times. The recommended dose is one milligram per kilogram of body weight per day. Recommended starting dose: 1 mg/kg/day.


Relieve pain (including menstrual pain).

- Reduce inflammation.

- Reduce stress.

- Improve sleep quality.

- Mitigate other pre-menstrual symptoms such as anxiety, irritability or nausea. 

How many drops of oil should I take?

 Initially, we recommend taking 2 to 5 drops of our 15% Hemp Oil per use, and a maximum of 11 drops per day. One drop contains approximately 6mg and the maximum daily dose of Hemp Oil according to the FSA is 70mg. By following this guide, you can administer your daily dose depending on what works best for you.

Composition: MCT oil enriched with phytocannabinoids 15%: Hemp Oil full spectrum 12%, CBG 3%, (THC: 0.0%). Flavoured with red berries and essential oils of sage and fragonia. It is vegan and organic.

Manufactured in an approved laboratory in France and distributed by FreeU.


Awaken your potential with natural! Hemp Oil full spectrum 15% - 0% THC FreeU Calm

revi review rating stars

0 reviews

Goodbye to menstrual pain.

Menstrual Pain Relief Oil 0% THC A natural and effective solution to combat the discomfort associated with the menstrual cycle. Extracted directly from the hemp plant.

How is it used? Twice daily, place two or three drops under the tongue, wait 30 seconds and swallow. These are informative guidelines, but this is a natural product, and every body is different, so you have to find your ideal dose, start with a low dose and increase drop by drop until you find your dose needed at all times. The recommended dose is one milligram per kilogram of body weight per day. Recommended starting dose: 1 mg/kg/day.


Relieve pain (including menstrual pain).

- Reduce inflammation.

- Reduce stress.

- Improve sleep quality.

- Mitigate other pre-menstrual symptoms such as anxiety, irritability or nausea. 

How many drops of oil should I take?

 Initially, we recommend taking 2 to 5 drops of our 15% Hemp Oil per use, and a maximum of 11 drops per day. One drop contains approximately 6mg and the maximum daily dose of Hemp Oil according to the FSA is 70mg. By following this guide, you can administer your daily dose depending on what works best for you.

Composition: MCT oil enriched with phytocannabinoids 15%: Hemp Oil full spectrum 12%, CBG 3%, (THC: 0.0%). Flavoured with red berries and essential oils of sage and fragonia. It is vegan and organic.

Manufactured in an approved laboratory in France and distributed by FreeU.

Our menstrual panties of abundant absorption can last up to 12 hours without needing to change them, but this time may vary depending on your flow and the cycle in which you are. 

  • High absorbency panties absorb between 40 and 50 centiliters, if you have a heavy flow the wear time will be less.  
  • Moderate absorbency panties absorb 20 centiliters.
  • Light flow panties absorb about 10 centilitres, equivalent to a panty liner.

How do you know when to change them?

When you notice some wetness in the panty, it is time to change it.

Do you have more questions? Surely you will find the answer in our FAQ, and if not we will be happy to solve it by email or whatsapp.


Maximum 40° You can wash your menstrual panty together with other clothes. We recommend that you go in a laundry bag.


These products saturate and break down the natural fibers of the absorbent fabric.


No need to soak it, you just have to pass it under cold water until the water runs clear.


You won’t have to wait long, it dries quickly.


Avoid the dryer or use it with a delicate program on the lowest temperature. Can not be ironed.

  • Check the shipping conditions outside Spain here.
  • For health and hygiene reasons, changes or returns are not allowed. However, you can send us an email to hola@freeuintim.com so that we can study your case. We can only make a return if the product is in perfect condition and keeps its packaging intact. In addition, it will be the client who will bear the shipping costs.


Maximum 40° You can wash your menstrual panty together with other clothes. We recommend that you go in a laundry bag.


These products saturate and break down the natural fibers of the absorbent fabric.


No need to soak it, you just have to pass it under cold water until the water runs clear.


You won’t have to wait long, it dries quickly.


Avoid the dryer or use it with a delicate program on the lowest temperature. Can not be ironed.

Reviews by Revi

Aceite con CBD para calmar el dolor menstrual

Solución natural y efectiva para combatir las molestias asociadas con el ciclo menstrual.

Extraído directamente de la planta del cáñamo, conservando al máximo las propiedades beneficiosas del CBD:

  • Alivio del dolor menstrual: El CBD ha demostrado tener propiedades analgésicas y antiinflamatorias que pueden ayudar a reducir significativamente el dolor y las molestias menstruales, permitiendo un mayor confort durante esta etapa del ciclo.

  • Relajación y reducción del estrés: Además de calmar el dolor físico, el CBD es conocido por sus efectos relajantes, lo que ayuda a reducir el estrés y la ansiedad que pueden surgir durante la menstruación.

  • Mejora de la calidad del sueño: El aceite de CBD puede promover un sueño más reparador y profundo, lo que es especialmente beneficioso durante el periodo menstrual cuando los cambios hormonales pueden afectar el descanso.

  • Sin efectos psicoactivos: Nuestro aceite CBD no contiene THC, el componente psicoactivo de la marihuana, lo que significa que podrás disfrutar de sus beneficios sin experimentar efectos colaterales no deseados.

¿Qué es el CBD?

El aceite de CBD FREEU ha sido extraído de la planta del cáñamo. Para entender qué es el aceite de CBD es esencial saber que la planta de cáñamo contiene más de 400 compuestos orgánicos, de los cuales más de 100 son cannabinoides.

Dentro de los cannabinoides se encuentran tanto el CBD (cannabidiol) como el THC (tetrahidrocannabidol). El CBD, a diferencia del THC, no es psicoactivo, el CBD es un potente compuesto al que se le asignan múltiples aplicaciones médicas. Nuestro aceite de CBD no contiene THC, lo que garantiza todos los beneficios del CBD sin efectos psicoactivos.


  • Aceite MCT enriquecido con fitocannabinoides 15%: CBD amplio espectro 12% + CBG 3% (THC: 0,0%).
  • Aromatizado con frutos rojos y aceites esenciales de salvia y fragonia.
  • No exponer al calor a la luz del sol.
  • Dosis inicial recomendada: 1 mg/kg/día.
  • Es vegano y orgánico.

¿Cómo se utiliza?

Dos veces al día, coloca dos o tres gotas bajo la lengua, espera 30 segundos y traga. Estas son las pautas informativas, pero este es un producto natural, y cada cuerpo es un mundo, por eso tú has de encontrar tu dosis ideal, empieza por una dosis baja y aumenta gota a gota hasta que encuentres tu dosis necesaria en cada momento. La dosis recomendada es de un miligramo por kilo de peso al día.


Los productos con este componente están recomendados para cualquier persona adulta excepto durante el embarazo y lactancia.

Si estás bajo tratamiento médico consulta previamente con un especialista.

Prohibido su uso a menores de 18 años.

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